How to enter


Since inception in 2006, RLI has recognised excellence in retail and leisure throughout the world presenting the prestigious and highly-sought after Global RLI Awards. For the first time in 2024 RLI will launch the inaugural RLI MENA Awards in recognition of its long-standing affiliation with the region. A winning entry in each category must be the best in a number of ways and it must show that it has achieved success in the most important aspects.

Tip To Win
To give your company or project the best possible chance to win your chosen category, you must display why it is the very best in its class, showcasing success across all aspects. Remember pictures tell a thousand words, so don’t forget to include good photography, presentations, videos and testimonials.


Eligibility & Entry Requirements

WHO CAN APPLY - Provided the criteria for each individual category are met, anyone is eligible to apply. Applications can be made on behalf of clients provided they have given you permission, please note a contact person from the client must be provided in this instance on the Nomination Form. A company may enter as many nominations as it chooses. The said nomination may be entered into any number of relevant categories provided the criteria are met. If entering more than one category, please submit a full entry form for each category entered.

ACCEPTABLE LANGUAGE – All entries must be written in English.

ELIGIBILITY - Application forms will be accepted for projects and companies from across the MENA Region. All new schemes and renovations must have been completed and opened to the public in the period between 1 April 2022 and 24 November 2023.

The only exceptions to this are the RLI Future Project Award which is for schemes not yet built and the RLI MENA Most Anticipated Opening 2024 Award, which will be presented to a scheme launched for the first time in 2024.

Past entrants that have won a Global RLI Award can enter again if they meet all nomination criteria for 2024.

RULINGS - The RLI Awards team will make all eligibility rulings. RLI reserves the right to re-classify, re-categorise or disqualify entries, as well as to remove any ineligible materials. All decisions are final.

PUBLICATION - Your entry grants RLI the right to publish any information contained in the entry in any form in news releases and the RLI Magazine. For all project related categories if it is not the client nominating, it is essential to obtain their approval prior to submitting the nomination.

THE RLI MENA AWARDS GALA DINNER – **All Shortlisted companies will be expected to take a table at the awards on the evening of 7 February 2024 in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Venue TBC)

REQUIREMENTS - Each nomination must be accompanied by an editorial and pictorial PDF presentation on the project, concept or company to be nominated with any high-resolution images (resolution 300DPI) also to be supplied separately for marketing purposes.

IMAGES - A choice of the images sent to us will be used in preparing the finalists presentation and the awards brochure to be used on the night.

SUPPORT - If you need additional help or have more questions, you may contact us at

JUDGING PROCEDURE - The RLI MENA Awards 2024, esteemed panel of Judges comprises of a group of leading industry experts who will review eligible submissions and score them confidentially on their merits and appropriate criteria. The panel will not review entries from their own companies or any entry that might constitute a conflict of interest.

NOMINATION FORM - Download it here. Entrants must aim to ensure that their submission is supplied in PDF format, along with a completed nomination form. Word or PowerPoint presentations are also accepted.

You must ensure that entries are clearly labelled, stating the entrant’s name and the category for which it is intended, together with all requirements.

The person listed under ‘Your Details’ on the Nomination Form must be the person representing the project and will be the person contacted should the entry be chosen as a finalist.

For all project related categories, please provide detailed supplementary information in relation to the professional team involved, such as Architect/Designer, Project Manager, Consulting/Structural/Civil Engineer, ME & Engineer/Contractor, Main Contractor and Agents.

Please make sure that we are able to read written forms, typed forms are preferred.

PAYMENT - Each entry costs £275. Each entry must be accompanied by a payment. Payments can be made online here or by bank transfer by emailing

AUTHORISE - All entries must have the authorisation of the Owner to enter the submission and must have agreed to abide by all rules of the RLI MENA Awards 2024. Each entry must also have ticked and agreed to the Terms and Conditions of this document on the Nomination Form.


Terms & Conditions

**All shortlisted companies will be required to book a table of ten at the live event including dinner and entertainment (£2,995). All Winners must take a discounted A4 advertisement in the Winners Brochure alongside your category £1,500 (normally £2,500), which will be sent out to our global circulation in the weeks following the event. (Highly Commendeds will also be given this option)